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Iran's Natural Gas Export Capacity to reach 180 Million CM per Day
Jun, 10, 2012 02:30 AM - Moj News Agency (Iran)
Managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC)Oji said: that Iran's gas production capacity will reach 1.2 billion cubic meters of gas per day in 2016 of which 180 million cubic meters will be exported through gas pipelines and LNG carrier vessels.
Referring to development of North Pars Gas Field and Kish Gas Field, along with other newly discovered gas fields, Oji noted that Iran's oil industry needs 150 billion dollars of investment over the fifth five year development plan, of which the lion's share should be met by international financial institutions.
Referring to gas plans of the country in next years, managing director of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) said: Allocating gas produced in four phases of South Pars Gas Field to exports to Europe, through a gas pipeline from Assaluyeh south of Iran to Bazargan region, northwest of the country in border with Turkey, with transfer capacity of 110 million cubic meters per day.